About Dynamic

The adjective dynamic is used to name someone or something that can transmit dynamism. Dynamism, on the other hand, is called an active force, which promotes an action.

The concept, which is also used as a noun, can be found in different contexts. It often appears in the field of the economy, linked to the factor that contributes to economic growth. For example: “The increase in wages always has a dynamic effect on the economy”, “Agricultural activity is the great driver of the province”, “The government is committed to the dynamic role of the industrial sector”.

Institutions or people who promote the culture of a region are sometimes called promoters. Let us suppose that a museum usually hosts exhibitions of plastic arts, poetry readings, concerts and other activities. It also organizes contests to reward the best talents and grants scholarships to young artists. All these questions mean that the museum in question is considered a catalyst for local culture.

A promoter can also contribute to the development of a sector or an area. Rail transport, to cite one case, can function as a catalyst for tourism in rural regions that lack airports and are difficult to reach by car or bus. The train, in this framework, facilitates the arrival of visitors.

Finally, the idea of ​​facilitator is also used with reference to tutors or guides who provide accompaniment and support in a training process. They usually offer assistance to students and act as mediators between them and teachers.

The role of a dynamic individual is very complex, since it is not limited to imparting knowledge but must establish a very particular bond with the students. This means that his performance is not identical in any two courses: the characteristics of the other party affect him directly.

A dynamic individual has an equally complex profile, which cannot be defined without taking into account the following factors, among others: professional training, the features of the entity in which he works, the typology that dominates among the participants and the peculiarities of the social environment.

It is important to make it clear that a promoter is not someone who focuses solely on the employment of their clients; instead, he is dedicated to training and guiding them so that they can take advantage of their own abilities. Thanks to their work, for which they must make use of the so-called Information and Communication Technologies (whose abbreviation is ICT, both singular and plural), users receive help to increase their chances of success in job search processes and, no less significant, in their inclusion in society.

The facilitator’s attitude must be motivating, he must present the training workshop proposal in such a way that the participants feel attracted to it because they understand that it is a useful and interesting resource that can serve them in various aspects of their lives. Returning to the differences between a job inserter and a facilitator, precisely the latter must ensure that students develop autonomously in their job search.

Another of the fundamental traits of the facilitator is empathy. To provide users with the training and advice they really need, we must first put ourselves in their shoes, approach them individually, always with enough openness so that the experience is unique in each case. Knowing how to listen to the concerns and stories of each one comes into play here, in order to then respond with enthusiasm and a constructive vision of the situation, which allows them to find in themselves the confidence to develop.
