About Tear

A tear is a break or break. The term is often used to name a muscle tear, which is an injury to muscle tissue with damage to interior fibers and rupture of blood vessels.

For example: “The Chilean striker suffered a tear and will not play for two weeks”, “López has suddenly stopped running: it seems that he has just suffered a tear”, “This season I have missed four tournaments since I had two tears and one pubalgia”.

The tear can be caused by contraction (with an effort that exceeds the biological capacity of the muscle to resist tension) or elongation (by excessive stretching). A proper warm -up before physical activity reduces the possibility of suffering a tear, although it does not eliminate it completely. Strain can also be caused by overactivity, when the person feels fatigued in the muscles but continues to exert effort. See Abbreviation Finder for acronyms related to Tear.

Risk factors include a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, poor circulation, and diseases such as diabetes. Another possibility is that the tear is caused by trauma.

Those who suffer a tear feel a prick that prevents them from contracting the muscle. It is a sudden and intense pain that can be accompanied by inflammation and the appearance of a bruise.

Faced with these symptoms, it is important to stop physical activity immediately since, otherwise, it is possible to further injure the affected muscle. Experts recommend rest, the application of ice to the area and the use of a bandage to contain the bleeding. After a few days of using cold to calm inflammation, heat is also beneficial in recovering from a tear.

As explained in the definition of muscle strain, there are three degrees of tear, taking into account its severity: mild, which involves injuries to some muscle fibers without reaching the tendons and with an average recovery time of one week; moderate, with the possibility that the tendons are affected and pain that prevents continuing with physical activity, demanding a two-week rest for full recovery; severe, the total rupture of the muscular belly and the tendinous insertion, carrying an average period of one month for recovery.

Among the most common injuries that the retina can suffer is a tear, which consists of a rupture capable of causing its detachment (the complete separation of the retina and the pigment epithelium). Among the most common causes of retinal tears we find the following:

* changes in the vitreous humor: it is a transparent and gelatinous liquid that occupies the space between the back of the lens and the inner surface of the retina. Over the years, it becomes more liquid and its withdrawal can drag the retina and generate a tear;

* lattice degeneration: these are areas of the retina that weaken and shrink, which favors tears. They are especially common in people with a high degree of myopia;

* appearance of scars: certain diseases that affect the retina, such as diabetic retinopathy, make the appearance of fibrous tissue between the retina and the vitreous more likely, which move the retina and bend it, causing it to detach or tear. The same goes for eye trauma.

The greatest risk of suffering a retinal tear are the elderly, patients with high myopia and people who: have suffered eye trauma; have undergone surgery; suffer from thinning or weakness of the retina; are experiencing diabetes mellitus; have family members who have suffered from a tear or detachment.
