Meaning of Handball

Meaning of Handball

Handball is the name of a sport that is also known as handball or handball. In this game, two teams of seven members each face each other: the winning team is the one that manages to score the most goals. In handball, as its name suggests, the ball (ball) is mobilized and thrown using the hands. The playing field is rectangular and has a goal (arch) at each end. Each team has a goalkeeper (goalkeeper) and six field players who try to score goals in the opposing goal. It also has seven substitutes to make changes. The handball matches for sixty minutes, divided into two segments of thirty minutes each. If the two teams score the same number of goals, the match ends tied. In its origins, handball was played…
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Meaning of Ballot

Meaning of Ballot

Ballotage is a term derived from the French word ballottage. The notion refers to the second ballot that takes place in certain electoral systems, in which voters must choose between the two candidates who received the most votes in the first round. The ballot is an electoral institution that belongs to French law, in its constitutional and electoral branches. Also called the second round, the ballot is carried out when none of the candidates for public office reaches the minimum number of votes required or the difference with their opponents required by electoral law. In this way, the two most voted go to this second electoral round, while the other candidates are no longer part of the process. Citizens, therefore, can only choose between the two most voted candidates in…
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Meaning of Raft

Meaning of Raft

The raft is the structure that, generally built from the joining of logs, is used as a boat. By extension, the inflatable boat that is used in emergencies when a larger boat is at risk of sinking is also called a raft. The rafts are flat in shape and can develop in different ways. In addition to the timbers, different kinds of boards, rods or even synthetic substances can be used. It is important to know that there are different types of rafts, among which we can highlight the following: -Wood raft, which, as its name suggests, is made with wood. This kind of boat can be found in small towns to undertake very short trips on the river, for example, to be able to carry bulky materials from shore…
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Meaning of Balm

Meaning of Balm

The first thing we are going to do before entering fully into the definition of balm is to know its etymological origin. In this case we can say that it is a word that derives from the Greek, exactly from "balsamon", which was the name given to a tree whose resin had a really pleasant aroma. The concept is used to name the substance obtained from some trees that is characterized by its aroma. The balsams, barely leave the tree, have an almost translucent hue and are liquid. When they come into contact with the atmosphere, they take on a darker color and thicken. Plants of different family groups that harbor these types of substances and medicines made with aromatic elements that are used as a remedy are also called…
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Meaning of Bastion

Meaning of Bastion

The word of the average Dutch bolwerc became, in old French, balouart. The etymological evolution of the notion gave rise to the term bastion in our language. The first meaning indicated by the DigoPaul in its dictionary refers to the fortification that appears when two wall curtains come together. The bastion, also known as a bastion, is made up of an entrance gorge, two flanks that allow it to be linked to the wall and two faces that give rise to a projecting angle. In other words, a bastion is a fortified sector whose projection is made out of the central body of a fortress. They are usually located in the corners to optimize the defense of the place. Most of the bastions are pentagonal (for the gorge, the two…
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Meaning of Baby Shower

Meaning of Baby Shower

A baby shower is a celebration that takes place before an imminent or recent birth of a baby. As part of the party, the child's parents receive gifts, usually intended for their child. The English notion can be literally translated as "baby shower", although this name of the celebration is associated with the "rain" of gifts that parents get. In our language the event is also mentioned as a birth party or baby party. In its origins, the baby shower was carried out as a celebration of the arrival of the first child of a family and consisted of a meeting of women who advised the new mother on the upbringing of the child. Nowadays these parties are usually celebrated with each birth and many times men are also invited…
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Meaning of Bacan

Meaning of Bacan

The term bacán is used in different ways according to the geographical region. It is a concept used in colloquial language, in the midst of informal contexts. In countries like Cuba, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Chile, bacán is an adjective that qualifies what is positive, pleasant or great. For example: “This TV show is awesome! It's great fun ”, “ I tried hard and I accomplished the goal, it was great ”, “ For me it is great to have returned to my country after so many years ”. Bacán can also be used, in some nations, with reference to an individual of great physical attractiveness: “That model is cool, I would love to have dinner with him”, “I don't think dressing that way makes you look more cool”,…
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Meaning of Bachata

Meaning of Bachata

Bachata is known as a genre of popular music that was born in the Dominican Republic and later expanded to many countries. Bachata combines merengue, son, bolero and other styles. Musical instruments such as the güira (an idiophone), the bongó (membranophone), the guitar and the bass are used for the performance of bachata. Thanks to its rhythm, bachata is considered a danceable genre. The etymological origin of the word bachata is in Africa. At the beginning of the 20th century, the notion was used in some Central American and Caribbean countries to name a party or a party. Over the years, in the Dominican Republic the expression began to be used to name a musical genre that emerged in poor urban areas from the combination of different styles. Due to…
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Meaning of Bachelor

Meaning of Bachelor

The medieval Latin word baccalarius derived from the French bachelier, which later arrived in Castilian as bachelor. The concept of bachelor is used to name the individual who is enrolled or have completed studies of education secondary. Continuing with its etymology, this word was used to name the gentlemen who had a middle rank, found between squires and knights. The gentlemen were the people who dispatched the monarch with a statement of relevance to communicate some news related to a positive event, such as the arrival of a squad or the taking of a square. Since the gentlemen did not have the possibility of raising a company on their own account, they worked under a knight, whose orders they obeyed with the help of their vassals. In England, the term…
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Meaning of Bacillus

Meaning of Bacillus

The term bacillus comes from the Latin word bacillum, which can be translated as "rod". The concept is used in the field of biology to name a bacterium that has this shape. Bacilli, thus, are long-bodied bacteria that can be found in different environments. Many bacilli are pathogenic for humans, although not all have a negative impact. Bacilli are usually classified according to their reaction to the Gram stain. When the violet crystal is fixed on the cell wall (as the chemical compound that acts as a dye is known), it is called a Gram positive bacillus. On the other hand, when this fixation does not occur, the bacterium is a Gram negative rod. Many bacilli are known by the name of their discoverer. The Koch bacillus, for example, discovered…
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Meaning of Bacteria

Meaning of Bacteria

The word bacteria comes from a Greek term that means "staff. " It is a prokaryotic unicellular microorganism that can cause disease, fermentation or putrefaction in living beings or organic matter. Because they are prokaryotic cells, they lack a nucleus or internal organelles. On the other hand, although the term comes from a rod, bacteria can be shaped like a rod, sphere or helix. Bacteria can be classified into various groups based on different criteria. Thus, for example, if we start from what its shape is, we find the fact that there are four clearly delimited types: Bacilli They are bacteria that are defined by being elongated and because they have the possibility of being curved or straight. In the same way, it is necessary to underline the fact that…
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Meaning of Attire

Meaning of Attire

The etymological root for attire is found in attonĭtus, a Latin term that can be translated as "astonished. " Beyond this translation, the concept is used to name clothing and clothing in general. For example: "The actress wore a very sensual outfit at the awards ceremony", "A thief who used police attire in his robberies was arrested after a long investigation", "According to fashion specialists, the businessman chose an outfit little suitable for his marriage. " The idea of attire encompasses different clothing items and even accessories. Shoes, socks, pants, shirts, T-shirts, coats and hats, among many other items, are part of the outfits that people can wear. In general, the concept of attire is used when clothing is out of the ordinary or when it is a uniform. Otherwise,…
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Meaning of Stunned

Meaning of Stunned

The adjective stunned is linked to the verb stun: to upset, alter, confuse or confuse. He who is stunned, therefore, suffers from lightheadedness (a temporary disorder of the senses or the ability to reason). For example: "The blow to the head left me somewhat stunned", "I think the president is stunned: he should analyze the situation calmly and make smarter decisions", "The young man was found by an agent while walking through the streets in a daze from the center ”. It is said that a subject is stunned when, after suffering an impact on his head, he suffers a state of confusion that prevents him from seeing, hearing, speaking or thinking normally. Trauma to the head can cause a concussion because the blow affects neurons. A car accident, a…
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Meaning of Yearbook

Meaning of Yearbook

In order to know the meaning of the term yearbook, the first thing we must do is determine its etymological origin. In this case, it must be emphasized that it derives from Latin and that it is the result of the sum of two different components: -The noun "annus", which can be translated as "year". -The suffix "-arium", which is used to indicate "belonging". It is known as directory to the publication appears annually with useful information for professionals or specialists from different sectors. Yearbooks generally include statistics, contact details and addresses that may contribute to the development of an activity or to the conduct of an analysis or study. For example: “According to the last yearbook of the federation, sales in our sector fell by 14%”, “The tourist yearbook…
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Meaning of Rig

Meaning of Rig

The concept of rigging has several uses. In its broadest sense, it refers to the set of elements that are needed to perform some tasks. For example: "The firefighters had to use a rig to rescue the horse that had fallen into the well", "My father built a rig to paint the roof more easily", "The boat was refloated with the help of a complex rig". The rigging idea may refer to a hoist. This term, which comes from the Latin word polyspaston, refers to the machine that is made up of a system that combines mobile and fixed pulleys. The rig can thus be used to move very heavy objects by using a rope that drives the pulleys. In the field of fishing, the series of tools and devices…
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Meaning of Peaceful

Meaning of Peaceful

The first thing we are going to do is determine the etymological origin of the word peaceful that we are dealing with now. In this case we can expose that it derives from Latin and that it is the result of the sum of the following clearly delimited parts: -The prefix "ad-", which is equivalent to "towards". -The verb "placere", which can be translated as "to please". -The suffix "-ible", which is used to indicate "that can". Peaceful is an adjective that can be used to describe the person docile, affable, peaceful and pleasant. For example: "In the midst of chaos, a gentle doctor reassured and treated dozens of wounded", "I consider myself a gentle man; but if someone hurts my children, I am able to react in the worst…
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Meaning of Obverse

Meaning of Obverse

The Latin word inversus was derived from the French envers, which came to our language as an obverse. This term is used especially with reference to medals, tokens and coins to name the most relevant face or side by the drawing they carry. The obverse is usually the face that displays the face of a personality, a historical monument, the representation of a momentous event or some allegory. The opposite side is known as the reverse. In this context, it is necessary to define the concept of numismatics, since it is the study and practice of collecting official paper money and coins in a country at a certain time. If the focus is only on paper money, the most suitable term is notaphilia. The origins of numismatics date back to…
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Meaning of Mating

Meaning of Mating

It is called pairing to the act and result of pairing a verb that can refer to different issues: bringing together males and females to have breeding assemble two elements to form a pair or have different objects so that they are equal. If we focus on the field of biology, the notion of mating encompasses the behaviors and actions that two individuals of different sex carry out for the development of procreation. Mating, in this context, ends in copulation. It is important to note that before reaching this last step, which consists of the action that the male performs to inseminate the female, which is usually described by the term penetration, mating is a broader set, in which we also find the different forms of courtship. Courtship is a…
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Meaning of Consent

Meaning of Consent

Before entering fully into the clarification of the meaning of the term consent, we have to establish the etymological origin of it. Thus, we can indicate that it derives from Latin, exactly it comes from the verb "adnuere" or "annuere". This can be translated as making affirmative nods. It is a concept that refers to assent or consent. Consent, in this way, implies the act of approving, tolerating or affirming something. For example: "An illicit activity of such caliber can only be carried out with the consent of the authorities", "The president of the club claims not to have given consent for the celebration of the party", "If I get the consent of your parents, we will get married next year. " Consent is usually linked to consent. The previous…
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Meaning of BNA

Meaning of BNA

According to AbbreviationFinder, BNA is the acronym that corresponds to and identifies the Basque Nationalist Action (Eusko Abertzale Ekintza in Basque, its original language). It is a political party with a Basque nationalist and socialist ideology that, according to the very definitions of its promoters, is part of the leftist movement, it is republican and independentist. Currently, his activities are interrupted by the Spanish justice system due to his alleged collaboration with Batasuna and with those close to the ETA terrorist group. BNA was founded on November 30, 1933, as a secular and progressive branch of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV). Its founders were a group of nationalists who wanted to change the political reality of the time. This group strongly opposed the merger between the Aberri party and the…
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Meaning of Attachment

Meaning of Attachment

In order to know the meaning of the term attachment, it is interesting to discover, first of all, its etymological origin. In this case, it can be said that it is a word derived from Latin and that it is the fruit of the sum of two different parts: -The prefix "ad-", which can be translated as "towards". -The verb "picare", which is synonymous with "paste" or "unite". The concept of attachment is used to name the affection, devotion or esteem that is felt or evidenced towards a person or a thing. It is an idea that has been approached by psychology, philosophy and religion. For psychologists, attachment is an emotional bond that extends over time and is intense. The closeness with the other person offers shelter and security: for…
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Meaning of Appendix

Meaning of Appendix

The Latin term appendix came to our language as an appendix. The concept has several uses: according to the first meaning included in the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), an appendix is something that is added or attached to something else, as an accessory or complement. For example: "In the appendix of the report, the World Health Organization provides numerous statistics on infant mortality worldwide", "Readers can find all the sources I consulted in the appendix of the book", "The new plant industrial will have an appendix that will serve as a warehouse ”. Appendix can be used as a synonym for addendum: what is added to a text with the aim of expanding the contents of the main body. A book, manual, or contract may have…
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Meaning of Appeal

Meaning of Appeal

The verb to appeal comes from appellāre, a Latin word that can be translated as “to call”. The concept is used to name the action of resorting to a person or an entity that, by its wisdom, its discernment or its authority, is in a position to solve or resolve an issue. For example: "I am going to appeal to the president of the company to see if he can help me with this problem", "I do not have to appeal to anyone, I can resolve the matter on my own", "If the government does not reverse its decision, we are going to appeal to human rights organizations ”. The most common use of the notion is found in the judicial field. Appeal, in this context, means going to a…
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Meaning of Apparatus

Meaning of Apparatus

The concept of apparatus comes from the Latin word apparātus and has multiple uses. The first meaning mentioned by the dictionary refers to the grouping of elements that act together and in a coordinated way to develop a function. For example: "My grandmother has a device that kneads and cooks bread in a few minutes", "I would like them to invent a device capable of automatically ironing and ordering clothes", "The government announced a million dollar investment in high-end devices technology to improve hospital benefits ”. An apparatus, in this sense, is a machine made up of various parts. A television, a scanner, a car, a microwave oven and a washing machine, among many other devices, can be considered as appliances. Although we can cite a list of devices of a…
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Meaning of Apocryphal

Meaning of Apocryphal

The Greek term apókryphos derived in a Latin word that, in turn, came to Spanish as apocryphal. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary refers to an adjective that qualifies the simulated, the nonexistent or the feigned. For example: "An apocryphal nobleman appeared in the newspaper office denouncing that he had been swindled by the mayor", "In the town they have the habit of worshiping an apocryphal saint", "The young man tried to enter the country with an apocryphal document, but was arrested by the police. " The most common use of apocryphal is linked to the authenticity of a work with respect to its authorship. For various reasons, a creation is often incorrectly attributed to a certain person. In those cases, the work is said to be apocryphal. Suppose that…
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Meaning of Apocope

Meaning of Apocope

The term apocope comes from the Latin word apocŏpe, although its most distant etymological roots are found in the Greek language. The concept is used in phonetics with reference to the elimination of certain sounds at the end of a word. It is important to note that, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), apocope is a feminine noun: therefore it should be said “the apocope” or “an apocope”. The apocope, on the other hand, is part of the figure known as metaplasm, which implies an alteration of the pronunciation or the writing of the terms without changing their meaning. In the specific case of this metaplasm, there is a cut at the end of the word. If the change takes place at the beginning, it is…
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Meaning of Apocalypse

Meaning of Apocalypse

The Greek term apokalypsis derived into apocalypsis, a late Latin word, and then came to Spanish as an apocalypse. The concept is often used with reference to the end or collapse of the world. For example: "If the human being continues to act in this way, the apocalypse awaits us", "When the apocalypse arrives, I want to be at peace with myself and with my neighbors", "I do not believe in the apocalypse: somehow, everything this will always continue to work. ” The final section of the New Testament is known as Revelation or Book of Revelations. It is a book of the Bible that has a prophetic style, since it anticipates a series of events that will take place in the future. Due to its large amount of symbolism,…
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Meaning of Apnea

Meaning of Apnea

Establishing the etymological origin of the term apnea leads us to move to Greek, since it comes from that language. This is made up of the sum of two perfectly delimited parts: the prefix - a which is equivalent to "negation" and the verb pnein that can be translated as "breathe". It is called apnea to a disease of the respiratory tract whose symptom is the cessation of breathing for at the least ten seconds. According to its characteristics, this difficulty can be divided into three types: obstructive (determined by a respiratory effort generated by the absence of respiration), central (produced by both lack of effort and the respiratory signal) and mixed (generated from the combination of central apnea with obstructive apnea). This syndrome has also been defined as obstructive…
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Meaning of Aplomb

Meaning of Aplomb

The notion of poise comes from aplomar: achieve, in a symbolic sense, that something has a great weight or other characteristic of the lead (heavy metal with atomic number 82). The term of aplomb is often used as a synonym for tranquility or calm. For example: "Despite the difficulty of the situation, the hospital director explained to her, with aplomb, what her husband's surgery would be like", "We should not despair: it is time to act with aplomb", "The team lost poise and allowed his rival to turn the result. Poise, in this sense, refers to acting calmly, without haste. It is also linked to reasoning each step: poise, therefore, is the opposite of making decisions without thinking or doing something desperately. Take the case of the mayor of a…
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Meaning of Apartheid

Meaning of Apartheid

Apartheid is a term that belongs to the Afrikaans language, a variety of the Dutch language. The concept can be translated as "separation". Specifically, the idea of ​​apartheid is used with reference to racial segregation, especially that which existed in South Africa between 1948 and 1992 and was imposed by the white minority of that nation. South African apartheid, established by law, established different places for whites and blacks. It also banned interracial marriages and granted voting rights only to white citizens. In the framework of apartheid, therefore, in South Africa there were schools, hospitals and different means of transport according to the race of citizens. The racism legally imposed by the white population in power made blacks have to settle for lower-level services: white hospitals, for example, were much…
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