What is Fruugo?

Business, Definitions
In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, Fruugo emerges as a dynamic platform reshaping the way consumers shop online. With its innovative approach to cross-border trade, Fruugo has garnered attention as a leading player in the global marketplace. This article delves into the intricacies of Fruugo, exploring its history, business model, technological advancements, challenges, and future prospects. Introduction to Fruugo Fruugo, founded in 2006 by Finnish entrepreneur Mikko Nikkanen, is a UK-based e-commerce platform that facilitates international shopping experiences for consumers worldwide. The company's vision revolves around creating a seamless marketplace where shoppers can browse and purchase products from various retailers across different countries. Fruugo operates on the principle of providing a single, unified platform for sellers and buyers, transcending geographical boundaries and language barriers. Reference: https://whensourcing.com Business Model and Operations At…
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What is Space-saving Clock?

A space-saving clock is a clever and innovative timekeeping device designed to maximize functionality while minimizing the use of physical space. In an era where living spaces are becoming increasingly compact and multifunctional, space-saving clocks offer practical solutions for keeping track of time without sacrificing valuable space. In this exploration, we'll delve into the origins, design elements, functionality, technological aspects, cultural significance, and diverse applications of space-saving clocks. See night light wall clock. Origins and Evolution: The concept of space-saving clocks emerged from the need to address the challenges posed by limited living spaces, particularly in urban environments where space is at a premium. As cities became more densely populated and housing units became smaller, there was a growing demand for timekeeping solutions that could fit seamlessly into compact living spaces…
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Musical Clock

A musical clock is a fascinating combination of horology and music, capable of not only keeping time but also producing melodious tunes at specific intervals. These intricate timepieces have a rich history spanning centuries, captivating enthusiasts with their exquisite craftsmanship and harmonious melodies. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll delve into the history, mechanics, design elements, significance, and contemporary relevance of musical clocks. History of Musical Clocks The origins of musical clocks can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where mechanical devices were used to mark the passage of time and produce musical sounds. However, it wasn't until the Renaissance period in Europe that musical clocks began to emerge as sophisticated timekeeping devices with musical capabilities. See atomic wall clocks. During the 17th and 18th centuries, musical clocks became highly popular among…
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Sourcing Agent

Business, Definitions
A sourcing agent, also known as a procurement agent or buying agent, plays a crucial role in the world of international trade and supply chain management. In a globalized economy, businesses often rely on sourcing agents to assist them in finding and procuring products or services from overseas suppliers. This multifaceted profession involves a wide range of responsibilities and activities, and it has become increasingly important in today's interconnected and competitive marketplace. In this extensive essay, we will delve into the definition, functions, importance, and challenges of sourcing agents, as well as the key considerations for businesses looking to engage their services. Definition and Role of Sourcing Agents According to PaulSourcing, a sourcing agent is an intermediary or third-party entity that helps businesses identify, evaluate, negotiate with, and manage suppliers…
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About Eclipse

About Eclipse

The term eclipse comes from the Latin eclipsis, whose origin is a Greek word meaning "disappearance". In any case, the use of the concept does not refer to a disappearance, but to the transitory concealment, either total or partial, of a star due to the interposition of another celestial body. However, we cannot forget that in a more colloquial way the term eclipse is used as a synonym for disappearance. Specifically, it is used to reflect that a specific person or object is absent or has disappeared. According to abbreviationfinder, EC stands for Eclipse Console. Eclipses are part of the phenomenon known as syzygy, which occurs when a planet or the Moon is in line with the Earth and the Sun. The syzygy of the Moon takes place with the full moon…
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About Discord

About Discord

The first step that we are going to take before fully entering into the meaning of the term discord is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from Latin, it is exactly the result of the union of three different components of said language: -The prefix “dis-”, which can be translated as “separation”. -The noun "cor, cordis", which is synonymous with "heart". -The suffix “-ia”, which is used to indicate “quality”. When wills or opinions are opposed, discord occurs. What is discord A disagreement is a confrontation or discrepancy that arises when an agreement cannot be reached regarding a matter of shared interest. When opinions or wills are opposed, discord is generated. For example: "The bill presented by the…
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About Dynamic

About Dynamic

The adjective dynamic is used to name someone or something that can transmit dynamism. Dynamism, on the other hand, is called an active force, which promotes an action. The concept, which is also used as a noun, can be found in different contexts. It often appears in the field of the economy, linked to the factor that contributes to economic growth. For example: "The increase in wages always has a dynamic effect on the economy", "Agricultural activity is the great driver of the province", "The government is committed to the dynamic role of the industrial sector". Institutions or people who promote the culture of a region are sometimes called promoters. Let us suppose that a museum usually hosts exhibitions of plastic arts, poetry readings, concerts and other activities. It also…
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About Educational Diagnosis

About Educational Diagnosis

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term educational diagnosis, we are going to know the etymological origin of the two words that give it shape: -Diagnosis comes from the Greek, exactly from “diagnostikos”, which can be translated as “through knowledge”. This word is the result of the union of three different parts: the prefix “dia-”, which means “through”; the noun “gnosis”, which is synonymous with “knowledge”; and the suffix “-sis”, which is used to indicate the action. -Educational, on the other hand, has its etymological origin in Latin. It is the result of the sum of several components of said language: the prefix “ex-”, which is synonymous with “out”; the verb “ducere”, which means “to guide”; and the suffix “-tivo”, which is used to indicate “active or passive…
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About Enlightened Despotism

About Enlightened Despotism

The concept of despotism is linked to the abuse of power, whether moral or physical, imposing the use of force in dealing with a certain group of people. This concept is usually linked to a type of government that has absolute power and whose actions are not limited by existing laws. The concept of enlightened, in turn, is related to that belonging to or related to illustration (the philosophical and cultural movement that emerged in the eighteenth century that postulated the predominance of reason over emotions and that considered that in the use of intelligence resided in the progress of all humanity). See Abbreviation Finder for acronyms related to enlightened. During the Enlightenment a type of government existed that became known as enlightened despotism. Although at first glance this word may…
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About Tear

About Tear

A tear is a break or break. The term is often used to name a muscle tear, which is an injury to muscle tissue with damage to interior fibers and rupture of blood vessels. For example: "The Chilean striker suffered a tear and will not play for two weeks", "López has suddenly stopped running: it seems that he has just suffered a tear", "This season I have missed four tournaments since I had two tears and one pubalgia”. The tear can be caused by contraction (with an effort that exceeds the biological capacity of the muscle to resist tension) or elongation (by excessive stretching). A proper warm -up before physical activity reduces the possibility of suffering a tear, although it does not eliminate it completely. Strain can also be caused…
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About Descendant

About Descendant

Descendant is any person who is descended from another, such as a grandchild or a child. The concept is associated with the notion of kinship (the blood relationship or union by virtue of law). If we consider the case of an individual, those generations of his family that preceded his arrival in the world are known as ancestors. Great-great-grandparents, great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents are ancestors of a person. Those who follow a person in their family tree are their descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.). See Abbreviation Finder for acronyms related to Descendant. What is a descendant The descendants of a subject, therefore, are the generations that follow it in the family tree: children, grandchildren, great- grandchildren , great-great- grandchildren, etc. Of course, a subject can be ascendant or descendant, depending on…
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About Commercial Law

About Commercial Law

Within the multiple branches of law, commercial law (also known as commercial law) is that dedicated to regulating relationships between people, contracts and commercial actions. Commercial law is part of private law and includes all the rules related to merchants in reference to the development of their work. At a general level, it could be said that it is the branch of law that regulates the exercise of commercial activities. Commercial law regulates the exercise of commercial activities. See Abbreviation Finder for acronyms related to Commercial Law. Sources of commercial law It is important to make clear what are the sources of the aforementioned commercial law. In this case we can establish that these are the law, the jurisprudence that is the interpretation that the judge and the rest of…
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About Denotation

About Denotation

From the Latin denotatio, denotation is the action and effect of denoting (a verb that, said of a word or phrase, mentions its objective meaning). Concept functions as the opposite of connotation. The denotation is linked to the meaning of the referential mechanism with the information that a linguistic unit transmits. It is an explicit meaning, unlike connotation, whose meaning is suggested since the semantic value is not given by a lexical signifier. Trademarks provide an example of how denotation and connotation work. A bar named The Old Bridge Pub has a denotative sense (the name that specifically identifies it as The Old Bridge Pub) and a connotative sense (the English phrase suggests that it is a British-style pub). Most of the brands, in general, go beyond the denotation and…
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About Thin

About Thin

The adjective thin comes from the Latin word delicātus. Applied to a person, it refers to someone who is skinny, of little weight. For example: “You are very thin, do you eat properly?” , "I am looking for my nephew: he is a tall, thin boy with brown hair", "The thin actor had to change his physiognomy to play the president in his new movie". According to today's conventional aesthetic standards, thinness is often considered attractive. A thin individual, in this framework, has a better chance of succeeding in the world of fashion or in the entertainment industry than an overweight person. However, those who are thin may suffer from some type of eating disorder or other problem. Only a health professional can indicate the appropriate weight of a subject.…
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About Cryosphere

About Cryosphere

The notion of cryosphere is not part of the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The concept, however, is often used with reference to the surface water of our planet that is in a solid state due to low temperatures. The cryosphere, in this setting, is made up of the Earth 's large masses of ice and snow. Therefore we can find the cryosphere in Antarctica and the North Pole, among many other regions, such as Greenland, Northern Siberia, the Arctic Ocean and Northern Canada and most of the peaks of the highest mountain ranges. of the world. When the cryosphere originates from the freezing of the oceans, it does not affect the sea level, since solid water is formed from it. On the other hand,…
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About Guilt

About Guilt

Guilt is an imputation made to someone for a behavior that generated a certain reaction. It is also known as guilt to the fact that it is the cause of something else. For example: "The actor's family assures that the star committed suicide because of journalistic harassment", "My grandfather had to leave the country because of political persecution", "Television is no longer useful because of the electrical storm that burned the circuits”. In law, fault implies the omission of due conduct to prevent and avoid damage. Abbreviationfinder: Find definitions of English word - Automotive. Commonly used abbreviations related to word are also included. Fault in law In the field of law, guilt refers to the omission of diligence required of a subject. This implies that the harmful act imputed to…
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About Quarantine

About Quarantine

The notion of quarantine has several uses. In general, the term is used to name a period of forty days (although, sometimes, it can also be a temporal compendium of forty months or forty years ). Specifically, it is considered that quarantine is a term that began to be used forcefully in the 14th century as a result of the advance of the Black Death. Thus, at that time those who had been infected by it and had managed to survive it was established that they should spend forty days in isolation before being able to relate to the rest of the citizens again. Another possibility is that quarantine refers to the forty equally sized portions into which something can be divided; to a thing formed by forty components or…
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About Bloody

About Bloody

The bloody adjective, which comes from the Latin word cruentus, is used to qualify someone or something that is bloody or ferocious. For example: "This bloody war has already claimed thousands of lives", "A bloody confrontation between the police and a gang of criminals ended with three dead and five injured", "The drug traffickers are immersed in a bloody battle for dominance territory of the area”. A situation is classified as bloody when it involves bloodshed. Suppose that two groups of young people, leaving a nightclub, get into a fight. These people have knives and also begin to collect blunt objects that they find on public roads: stones, bottles, etc. As a result of the dispute, two adolescents die and another six end up hospitalized. Given this terrible balance, it…
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About Deja Vu

About Deja Vu

Déjà vu or deja vu is a French term meaning "already seen". The concept describes the sensation that a person experiences when thinking that they have previously experienced an event that, in reality, is new. The person responsible for coining the term was Émile Boirac, a French parapsychologist who was born in 1851 and died in 1917. Phrases where the term appears: «I had a déjà vu: I feel like I've been in this house before», «I saw the news and thought it was déjà vu», «Tell Claudio that it's not déjà vu: I already told him how ten times that you have to read the report and make a summary». A deja vu implies experiencing something that is familiar and, at the same time, strange. Abbreviationfinder: Find definitions of…
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About Decreasing

About Decreasing

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term decreasing, it is necessary to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can point out that it is a word that derives from the verb to decrease, which, in turn, derives from the Latin verb “descrecere”, which can be translated as “to decrease”. Specifically, this verb form is made up of two different parts: -The prefix “de-”, which is used to indicate “from top to bottom”. -The verb “crescere”, which is synonymous with “to grow”. The decreasing adjective is used to qualify that which decreases : that is, it decreases or decreases. The concept is used in multiple contexts. The law of diminishing returns states that if one factor of production is added but the rest is left unchanged, there…
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About Supply Curve

About Supply Curve

The idea of ​​supply curve is used in the field of economics. It must be remembered that a curve is a line that allows the graphic representation of a magnitude to be developed according to the values ​​that one of its variables acquires. The concept of supply, on the other hand, can refer to the goods that are put up for sale in the market. A supply curve, in this framework, refers to the quantity of a certain product that a company is willing to sell at a hypothetical price, keeping all other factors constant that could alter the quantity supplied. There is a direct link between this quantity supplied and the price: the higher the price, the higher the profit for the company, which is therefore willing to sell…
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About Cosine

About Cosine

The idea of cosine is used in the field of geometry. Cosine, in this framework, is the sine of the complement of an arc or an angle, indicates the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. The official abbreviation for this trigonometric function is cos, and it is in this form that we find it in equations and on calculators. It should be noted that the sine is the result of dividing the leg that is opposite an angle and the hypotenuse (in a right triangle, the longest side is the hypotenuse, while the other two –which form the 90º angle– are called legs). The complement, on the other hand, is the angle that, added to another, completes an angle of 90°. According to abbreviationfinder.org, these concepts belong to the…
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About Menorrhagia (Long and Heavy Menstrual Bleeding)

Definitions, Medical
Long and heavy menstrual bleeding is called menorrhagia in gynecology. A lot of mucous membrane builds up during the monthly cycle and during the menstrual period there is a long and heavy bleeding. The opposite of menorrhagia is oligomenorrhoea (short and weak menstrual bleeding). What is menorrhagia? The monthly cycle of a woman of childbearing age is usually twenty-eight days. Four to seven days of this, the woman has her monthly menstrual period, during which the tissue built up over the month for pregnancy is shed. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Menorrhagia. If this pregnancy does not take place, this superfluous tissue is removed again under complicated hormonal processes. This process repeats itself from the first menstrual period in early puberty to the last before menopause, the so-called menopause. Most…
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About Messie Syndrome

Definitions, Medical
Patients with messie syndrome live in absolute chaos. The cause of the chaos are obsessive-compulsive disorders with mostly neurotic fear of letting go. Treatment is a combination of medication and talk or behavioral therapy. What is Messie Syndrome? The messie syndrome gets its name from the English verb "to mess up" which means "to mess something up". People with messie syndrome, colloquially referred to as so-called messies, live in an unbearable mess. Disorder is the norm in their homes and sometimes in their workplaces. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Messie Syndrome. In the ICD-10, the messie syndrome is not treated as a clinical picture, but assigned to the obsessive -compulsive disorder . Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by uncomfortable thoughts that force certain actions to occur in a repetitive manner. Patients…
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About Insular Talent

About Insular Talent

Definitions, Medical
Insularity is the modern term for a particular intelligence profile, formerly known by the discriminatory name "idiot savant" or the misleading term savant. Insular ability occurs when there is an uneven ability spectrum. Insular individuals do not therefore have a balanced, evenly distributed intelligence, but they have insular talents; often they are autistic. What is an island talent? People who want to know more about the quality of the gift should consult a doctor so that specific tests can give an accurate indication of the island gift. In many cases, however, the person concerned shows more than just a high level of talent in one area. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Insular Talent. Insular ability, i.e. high performance only in a small sub-area of ​​cognitive performance, is a phenomenon that is mostly…
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About Temporomandibular Disorders

About Temporomandibular Disorders

Definitions, Medical
Jaw joint diseases are usually due to a disturbed interaction of teeth, jaw joints and jaw muscles. About 70 percent of Germans are affected by pain of various degrees in the neck, head and face area, which in many cases can be traced back to functional disorders or diseases of the temporomandibular joint. What are temporomandibular joint disorders? First and foremost, temporomandibular joint disorders can lead to tinnitus or other noises in the ears. This noise in the ears has a very negative effect on the quality of life and can usually also lead to sleep disorders in the patient. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Temporomandibular Disorders. Jaw joint disorders (also known as craniomandibular dysfunction) are different malfunctions in the interaction of the lower and upper jaw that are due to functional disorders of…
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About Globule Cell Anemia

About Globule Cell Anemia

Definitions, Medical
Kugelzellanemia is a genetic disease with the main symptom being anemia . The anemia is due to the reduced lifespan of red blood cells due to defects in the erythrocyte membrane. Treatment consists of removing the spleen. What is globule cell anemia? Due to the hereditary membrane defect, the red blood cells lose their originally intended shape. Their flat biconcave shape becomes spherical with low surface tension. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Globule Cell Anemia. Hemolytic anemias are types of anemia in which the lifespan of red blood cells is greatly reduced. Spherical cell anemia is also a hemolytic anemia. The disease is also called hereditary spherocytosis and is therefore a genetic anemia based on a structural defect in the erythrocytes. This form of anemia is the most common anemic…
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About Leukemia

About Leukemia

Definitions, Medical
Leukemia or blood cancer is a relatively rare type of cancer, but its effects can be very dangerous and life-threatening. However, leukemia can be cured with timely treatment nowadays. What is leukemia, blood cancer? A doctor's visit should be made if the diffuse feeling of illness persists. If you experience persistent tiredness, physical weakness after carrying out normal errands or an increased need for sleep, you should consult a doctor. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Leukemia. Leukemia or blood cancer is a life-threatening disease that can quickly lead to death if not treated by a specialist. The insidious thing about the disease is that in the early stages there are no symptoms of blood cancer. The course of the disease without symptoms can extend over several years in chronic leukemia.…
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About Faecal Impaction

About Faecal Impaction

Definitions, Medical
Faecal impaction is the build-up or accumulation of stool in the large intestine. It is therefore also alternatively called fecal congestion or stool impaction. The English terms are coprostasis or fecal impaction. What is faecal impaction? Faecal impaction is generally accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. They usually occur on the right side and intensify as soon as there is a defecation reflex. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Faecal Impaction. The faecal impaction is not actually a disease. Rather, as a symptom, it represents a serious disturbance of the final digestion and thus a serious health problem. The stool in the rectum is not transported further in affected patients and accumulates primarily in the last area of ​​the rectum, the rectum. A steady dehydration of the stool follows,…
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About Hypogonadism

About Hypogonadism

Definitions, Medical
Both men and women can be affected by hypogonadism. In most cases, the disease can be successfully treated with hormone replacement therapy. What is hypogonadism? Diagnostic procedures that are used when hypogonadism is suspected differ, among other things, depending on the respective form of the disease and the individual symptoms. Changed hormone levels can be detected, for example, with the help of blood tests. See AbbreviationFinder for abbreviations related to Hypogonadism. In general, the term hypogonadism describes an underfunction of the gonads (gonads). In the human body, the gonads are responsible for the production of germ cells (egg cells or sperm) and sex hormones. However, the term hypogonadism in medical parlance often only refers to an underfunction of the male gonads (the testicles). Hypogonadism is an endocrine (hormonal system) disorder. A…
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