About Bloody

The bloody adjective, which comes from the Latin word cruentus, is used to qualify someone or something that is bloody or ferocious. For example: “This bloody war has already claimed thousands of lives”, “A bloody confrontation between the police and a gang of criminals ended with three dead and five injured”, “The drug traffickers are immersed in a bloody battle for dominance territory of the area”.

A situation is classified as bloody when it involves bloodshed. Suppose that two groups of young people, leaving a nightclub, get into a fight. These people have knives and also begin to collect blunt objects that they find on public roads: stones, bottles, etc. As a result of the dispute, two adolescents die and another six end up hospitalized. Given this terrible balance, it can be said that it was a bloody fight.

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Sometimes the qualification of bloody or bloody is used to emphasize the tragic effects of an armed conflict or a belligerence. A war, to cite one case, is always bloodthirsty. However, if the number of fatalities and serious social consequences are high even taking into account the usual characteristics of these hostilities, the media may allude to a bloody war.

Thus, for example, the term bloody has been used on more than one occasion to refer to the naval battle that, during World War I, took place off the coast of South America. Specifically, the one that took place in the Coronel Bay, which is located in the south of Chile.

Exactly, it confronted the Germans and the British and began when the German fleet, made up of five cruisers, surrounded the four English ships and began the battle by firing at the British battleship HMS Good Hope. A confrontation that ended with the German triumph and that ended bloodily with a whopping total of 1,590 dead.

The bloody can also be symbolic and refer to the lack of contemplation or consideration. A bloody divorce, in this context, is one in which the members of the couple that is dissolving bring out the miseries of the other and resort to all kinds of resources to obtain an advantage.

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore that the adjective in question has been used very regularly in the field of literature. A good example of this is the work entitled “12 bloody stories”, which was published in 2012 and is a compendium of stories by various authors. Among these are Alicia Giménez Barlett, Fernando Martínez Laínez, Arturo Pérez Reverte, Mariano Sánchez Soler, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán or Jaume Ribera, among others.

In the same way, we came across the book “Cuentos cruentos”, written by Dino Lanti and which was published in 2008. These are stories in verse and illustrated that are aimed at an adult audience and have a peculiar meaning. of humour.