Meaning of Babbling

It is called babbling to the act and the result of stammering. This verb, which in certain conjugations can be used as babbling, refers to pronouncing in a hesitant, insecure and difficult way.

When children begin to try to speak, they engage in babbling: “When Juanito started babbling, I didn’t understand him at all”, “How big is Mara! I didn’t know I was already babbling “, ” I think at any moment my nephew will start babbling… “.

A person who tries to speak in a language that does not dominate (or intends to understand), it is common to perform babbling: “When we arrived in England, tried to ask where was the hotel with my babble in English, but no one could understand me “, ” Before the young man’s babbling, the woman rephrased her question in Italian and then she got the answer she was looking for “, ” In the first classes I could hardly do some babbling, but now I can express myself in Portuguese without problems.

In addition to all the above, we have to underline another series of important aspects with respect to the babbling of the baby:
-It is established that this begins to occur as such between 6 and 7 months of age of the child.
-In the first moment, it is usual for children to be able to babble producing a vowel and a consonant. That is, combining them. And this is what is known as canonical babbling.
-However, what are isolated syllables can also take place.
-It must be taken into account that it is considered that for the babbling to take place it is necessary that the little ones have their parents by their side. And is that hearing them speak can lead to “encourage” to try to speak.

No less relevant is that it is necessary to know that babbling is made up of several important phases, such as these:
-Reflex vocations, which occur in the period that they complete up to 2 months.
-Twitter, which is when you learn to say “ago” or “garlic.” It occurs when he is 2 or 3 months old.
-Vowel game, which is identified because they express vowels or single consonants. It can occur when the baby is between 3 and 5 months old.
-Reduplicative babbling, when he begins to combine consonants and vowels. It takes place in the period between 6 and 9 months.
-Non-reduplicative babbling. It starts from 9 months and that brings with it the first words to appear.

The subject who is nervous, or who does not know what to say, also babbles: “I have had enough of your babbling! Tell me where you were last night or I will leave here “, ” The policeman was suspicious of the man’s babbling and decided to see what he had in his suitcase “, ” I answered the first questions of the exam with babbling, but then I calmed down.

Finally, babbling is the first stage or instance of a process: “In the babbling of the revolution we made many mistakes”, “The first babbling of democracy generated great enthusiasm throughout the country”, “The babbling of technological development national did not surprise me ”.
