Anniston, Missouri Weather by Month

Anniston, located in the southeastern part of Missouri, is a small yet vibrant community known for its rich history, scenic landscapes, and friendly residents. Located along the banks of the Mississippi River, Anniston offers residents and visitors alike a picturesque setting with rolling hills, lush forests, and fertile farmland. With a population of approximately 1,200 residents, Anniston maintains a close-knit community atmosphere where neighbors know each other by name and visitors are welcomed with open arms. While not home to any major companies or universities, Anniston’s proximity to larger cities such as Cape Girardeau and St. Louis provides residents with access to a wide range of amenities and cultural attractions. Major landmarks in the area include the Anniston Depot, a historic train station dating back to the late 19th century, and the Mississippi River, which offers opportunities for boating, fishing, and other water-based activities.

Climate and Weather Overview

Understanding the climate and weather patterns of Anniston is essential for residents and visitors to plan their activities and make the most of their time in the area.

Monthly Weather Statistics

To provide a comprehensive overview of the weather in Anniston, let’s examine the average temperature, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month of the year.

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 39°F 3.22 inches 9 days
February 44°F 3.46 inches 9 days
March 54°F 4.19 inches 10 days
April 63°F 4.50 inches 11 days
May 73°F 5.11 inches 11 days
June 82°F 4.50 inches 10 days
July 86°F 4.22 inches 10 days
August 85°F 3.64 inches 9 days
September 78°F 3.35 inches 8 days
October 67°F 3.00 inches 8 days
November 55°F 3.98 inches 7 days
December 43°F 3.51 inches 7 days

Weather by Month


January in Anniston is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. The average temperature is around 39°F, with 3.22 inches of precipitation. Outdoor activities may be limited due to the winter weather, but residents and visitors can still enjoy activities such as sledding, ice skating, and cozying up by the fireplace.


February brings similar weather conditions to January, with cold temperatures and occasional snow showers. The average temperature increases slightly to around 44°F, with 3.46 inches of precipitation. Despite the winter weather, outdoor enthusiasts can still enjoy activities such as snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and winter hiking.


March marks the transition to spring in Anniston, with temperatures starting to warm up and the arrival of milder weather conditions. The average temperature increases to around 54°F, with 4.19 inches of precipitation. As the weather becomes more pleasant, residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and exploring local parks and nature reserves.


April brings warmer temperatures and the onset of spring in full swing to Anniston. With an average temperature of 63°F and 4.50 inches of precipitation, residents and visitors can enjoy milder weather and the blooming of flowers across the countryside. Outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and gardening become popular during this time of year, allowing everyone to embrace the beauty of spring.


May is characterized by mild temperatures and increasing sunshine in Anniston, making it an ideal time for outdoor recreation and leisure. With an average temperature of 73°F and 5.11 inches of precipitation, residents and visitors can enjoy pleasant weather and longer days, perfect for activities such as picnicking, fishing, and visiting local farmers’ markets.


June brings warmer temperatures and longer days to Anniston, signaling the start of summer in the region. With an average temperature of 82°F and 4.50 inches of precipitation, residents and visitors can enjoy sunny weather and pleasant conditions for outdoor activities. June offers opportunities for camping, boating, and exploring the town’s scenic countryside and natural attractions.


July is typically the warmest month in Anniston, with hot temperatures and plenty of sunshine. With an average temperature of 86°F and 4.22 inches of precipitation, residents and visitors can expect warm and sunny weather, perfect for outdoor adventures and recreational activities. July offers opportunities for swimming, kayaking, and attending outdoor concerts and festivals held throughout the city.


August brings similar weather conditions to July, with hot temperatures and occasional afternoon thunderstorms. The average temperature remains around 85°F, with 3.64 inches of precipitation. Despite the hot weather, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and visiting local parks and nature preserves.


September marks the transition to fall in Anniston, with temperatures starting to cool off and the arrival of colorful foliage across the countryside. The average temperature decreases to around 78°F, with 3.35 inches of precipitation. As the weather becomes more comfortable, residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and attending fall festivals held throughout the city.


October brings cooler temperatures and changing foliage to Anniston, making it an ideal time for outdoor adventures and sightseeing. With an average temperature of 67°F and 3.00 inches of precipitation, residents and visitors can enjoy crisp fall weather and vibrant autumn colors at local parks and nature preserves. October also offers opportunities for apple picking, pumpkin carving, and attending fall festivals held throughout the city and surrounding areas.


November marks the transition to winter in Anniston, with temperatures cooling off and increasing rainfall. With an average temperature of 55°F and 3.98 inches of precipitation, residents and visitors can expect cool and damp weather, perfect for cozying up indoors or exploring the town’s holiday festivities and seasonal events. November also offers opportunities for visiting local wineries, breweries, and artisanal shops for unique gifts and souvenirs.


December brings colder temperatures and occasional snow showers to Anniston, signaling the arrival of winter in the region. With an average temperature of 43°F and 3.51 inches of precipitation, residents and visitors can expect chilly weather and festive holiday decorations throughout the town. December offers opportunities for holiday shopping, attending seasonal events such as tree lighting ceremonies and holiday parades, and enjoying cozy evenings by the fireplace.

Natural Disasters

Anniston is relatively safe from major natural disasters, but residents and visitors should be aware of potential hazards such as severe storms, flooding, and occasional winter weather events. It is essential to stay informed about local weather forecasts and heed any warnings or advisories issued by authorities to ensure personal safety and well-being.

Recommended Activities

Anniston offers a wide range of activities for residents and visitors to enjoy throughout the year. From outdoor adventures such as hiking, fishing, and camping to cultural experiences such as visiting historical landmarks, museums, and art galleries, there’s something for everyone to discover and enjoy in this charming city. Whether you’re seeking relaxation in nature or excitement in outdoor recreation, Anniston has it all.

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