Centerville, Utah Weather by Month

Centerville is a charming city located in Davis County, Utah, United States. Located just north of Salt Lake City, Centerville is located between the eastern shore of the Great Salt Lake and the Wasatch Mountains. The city has a population of approximately 17,000 residents and covers an area of about 6 square miles. Centerville is known for its scenic beauty, outdoor recreational opportunities, and family-friendly atmosphere. Major landmarks in Centerville include the historic Whitaker Museum, the Centerville Legacy Park, and the Deuel Creek Historic District. The city is also home to several parks, trails, and recreational facilities that attract visitors from near and far.

Climate and Weather Overview

Centerville experiences a semi-arid climate with four distinct seasons. Summers are typically hot and dry, while winters are cold and snowy. The city receives moderate precipitation throughout the year, with most of the precipitation falling as snow during the winter months. Centerville enjoys plenty of sunshine, especially during the summer and early fall months, making it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts. The city’s location near the Great Salt Lake and the Wasatch Mountains also contributes to its unique climate and weather patterns.

Monthly Climate Data

The following table provides average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Centerville:

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 31°F 1.54 inches 16
February 35°F 1.44 inches 16
March 44°F 1.74 inches 18
April 53°F 2.02 inches 20
May 63°F 2.05 inches 22
June 73°F 1.27 inches 25
July 81°F 0.79 inches 28
August 79°F 0.90 inches 27
September 70°F 1.46 inches 24
October 57°F 1.78 inches 21
November 43°F 1.79 inches 17
December 33°F 1.64 inches 16

Weather by Month


January in Centerville is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average highs hover around 31°F (-1°C), with nighttime lows dipping below freezing. The month typically receives about 1.54 inches (39 mm) of precipitation, most of which falls as snow. Despite the cold weather, there are still around 16 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. Indoor activities such as visiting museums, attending concerts, and cozying up by the fireplace are also popular choices during this time.


February continues the cold, snowy weather in Centerville. Average temperatures rise slightly to around 35°F (2°C), but snowfall remains common throughout the month. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to January, averaging 1.44 inches (37 mm), but snow sports and winter activities continue to be popular among residents and visitors. Despite the chilly temperatures, there are still around 16 sunny days, offering opportunities for outdoor recreation such as snowshoeing, sledding, and winter hiking. Indoor activities such as board games, movie nights, and cooking classes provide entertainment options for those seeking shelter from the cold.


March marks the transition to spring in Centerville, with gradually warming temperatures and melting snow. Average highs rise to around 44°F (7°C), and snowfall becomes less frequent as the month progresses. Precipitation levels increase slightly compared to February, averaging 1.74 inches (44 mm), but sunny days become more prevalent. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and birdwatching as the landscape begins to thaw and signs of spring emerge. March also offers opportunities for attending spring festivals, farmers’ markets, and outdoor concerts.


April brings milder temperatures and blooming flowers to Centerville. Average highs reach around 53°F (12°C), with nighttime lows above freezing. Precipitation levels increase slightly compared to March, averaging 2.02 inches (51 mm), but sunny days are more abundant. Outdoor activities such as gardening, picnicking, and visiting local parks are popular choices for residents looking to enjoy the spring weather. April also offers opportunities for attending outdoor markets, art fairs, and community events celebrating the arrival of spring.


May signals the arrival of warmer temperatures and longer days in Centerville. Average highs rise to around 63°F (17°C), creating ideal conditions for outdoor recreation. Precipitation levels remain moderate in May, averaging 2.05 inches (52 mm), but sunny days become more prevalent. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and fishing as the landscape bursts into bloom. May also offers opportunities for attending outdoor concerts, food festivals, and farmers’ markets showcasing local produce and artisanal goods.


June marks the beginning of summer in Centerville, with hot temperatures and minimal precipitation. Average highs reach around 73°F (23°C), and rainfall decreases significantly compared to the spring months. June typically receives about 1.27 inches (32 mm) of precipitation, with around 25 sunny days providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. Residents and visitors can enjoy activities such as swimming, boating, and picnicking at local parks and reservoirs. June also offers opportunities for attending outdoor festivals, concerts, and sporting events.


July is the hottest month of the year in Centerville, with average highs reaching around 81°F (27°C). Despite the summer heat, precipitation levels remain low, averaging 0.79 inches (20 mm), with around 28 sunny days providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. Residents and visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing in the nearby mountains and lakes. July also offers opportunities for attending Independence Day celebrations, outdoor barbecues, and fireworks displays.


August continues the hot, dry weather in Centerville, with average temperatures similar to those in July. Precipitation levels increase slightly compared to July, averaging 0.90 inches (23 mm), but sunny days continue to prevail. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor recreation such as hiking, biking, and golfing, taking advantage of the long days and warm temperatures. August also offers opportunities for attending outdoor concerts, farmers’ markets, and cultural festivals celebrating the local arts scene.


September marks the transition to fall in Centerville, with gradually decreasing temperatures and changing foliage. Average highs drop to around 70°F (21°C), creating more comfortable conditions for outdoor activities. Precipitation levels increase slightly compared to the summer months, averaging 1.46 inches (37 mm), but sunny days remain prevalent. Residents and visitors can enjoy activities such as apple picking, hiking, and attending fall festivals celebrating the harvest season. September also offers opportunities for scenic drives, nature walks, and photography outings to capture the vibrant colors of autumn.


October brings cooler temperatures and vibrant fall foliage to Centerville. Average highs drop to around 57°F (14°C), with nighttime lows dipping into the 40s°F (single digits°C). Precipitation levels increase compared to September, averaging 1.78 inches (45 mm), but sunny days are still common. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as leaf peeping, pumpkin picking, and hiking amidst the colorful scenery. October also offers opportunities for attending Oktoberfest celebrations, haunted hayrides, and fall-themed events.


November signals the arrival of colder temperatures and the onset of winter in Centerville. Average highs drop to around 43°F (6°C), with nighttime lows near freezing. Precipitation levels remain moderate, averaging 1.79 inches (45 mm), and occasional snowfall can occur towards the end of the month. Despite the colder weather, there are still around 17 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and preparing for the holiday season. Indoor activities such as baking, crafting, and holiday movie marathons offer entertainment options for those seeking shelter from the winter weather.


December brings cold, wintry weather to Centerville, with average temperatures around 33°F (1°C) during the day. Precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to November, averaging 1.64 inches (42 mm), but occasional snowfall can occur throughout the month. Despite the cold, sunny days are still possible, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as sledding, building snowmen, and winter walks. Indoor activities such as baking, crafting, and holiday festivities offer entertainment options for residents and visitors looking to celebrate the holiday season.

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