About Fornix Rupture

If the fornix ruptures, there is a tear in the pelvis of the kidney. The term is derived from the Latin word for “breakthrough”. The damage typical for the disease occurs in the renal pelvis in the section that leads to the parenchyma. The tear is therefore close to the parenchymal tissue. As a result of the fornix rupture, urine from the kidney’s pelvis passes into the surrounding tissue. The cause of the disease is found in numerous cases in an acutely increased pressure that acts on the calyx system of the renal pelvis.

What is a fornix rupture?

According to WHOLEVEHICLES.COM, the fornix rupture is damage to the renal pelvis in a special section in which the parenchyma adjoins. The crack in the pelvis of the kidney forms due to a sudden increase in pressure acting on the corresponding area. In some cases, such an increase in pressure results, for example, from stones in the ureter.

As a result, there may be a rupture in the renal pelvis. People who have to wear elimination aids and suffer from colic at the same time are particularly at risk. Because the dehydrating effect of contrast substances increases the pressure in the kidney pelvis considerably in the colic state. As a result, the risk of a fornix rupture increases significantly. Urine enters the surrounding tissue through the tear in the pelvis of the kidney.


In principle, a fornix rupture represents an acute urological emergency. The causes for the development of the disease are partly different in the affected patients. Some triggers are more common than others. Ureter stones are often responsible for the formation of the fornix rupture. Because the stones cause the pressure in the pelvis of the kidney to increase.

An increase in pressure in the renal pelvis makes complications such as a fornix rupture more likely. Often times, the affected patients have an elimination program. For this reason, such elimination aids are only suitable for patients who are not in pain. People with colic also have a significantly higher risk of developing a fornix rupture.

Artificially induced diuresis is particularly dangerous. In the majority of cases, however, stones in the ureter are responsible for the fornix rupture. In some patients with fornix rupture, only one cause causes the tear to develop in the pelvis of the kidney. In other groups of patients, however, a combination of developmental factors occurs that ultimately leads to fornix rupture.

Symptoms, ailments & signs

In the context of the fornix rupture, there are various symptoms of the disease, which in most cases clearly indicate the disease at hand. In principle, it is a typical combination of complaints caused by a fornix rupture. At the beginning, the renal pelvis tears near the parenchyma.

In the early stages, the signs of the disease are still relatively minor. The rupture of the fornix often causes discomfort that is not immediately noticeable. Gradually, however, symptoms such as fever and pain in the kidney and abdomen area develop. In addition, various complications such as abscesses and peritonitis are possible in the context of a fornix rupture. Some of the patients also experience symptoms such as sepsis and ileus.


If patients suffer from typical symptoms and symptoms of a ruptured fornix, medical advice should be sought as soon as possible. Since this is an acute emergency, there is no need to hesitate and wait for improvement. Because the potential complications of fornix rupture are sometimes risky and life-threatening, for example if sepsis develops.

First, as part of the anamnesis, the doctor clarifies the individual symptoms of the disease and possible factors that contributed to the development of the symptoms. Various clinical examination procedures are then used to clearly diagnose the fornix rupture. For example, the doctor will perform ultrasound scans to visualize the area of the kidney.

In addition, histological examinations may be used. Analyzes of the blood are also important, with decisive values being checked. Prompt diagnosis of the fornix rupture is essential in order to initiate effective treatment of the disease quickly and to keep the risk of subsequent complications as low as possible.


In most cases, a rupture of the fornix results in severe pain in the kidney and abdomen area. This pain is accompanied by a fever and headache. Abscesses can also occur in the affected person. Treatment must be promptly given by a doctor so that the kidneys are not damaged too much.

If sepsis develops due to the rupture of the kidney, this can lead to a life-threatening condition for the patient. The diagnosis of the disease is usually straightforward through an ultrasound examination, so that there are no complications. In most cases, the treatment is carried out through surgical interventions and is successful.

Complications can arise if the patient does not see a doctor immediately if the fornix ruptures. Inflammation or infections can also occur after the operation, so that the person affected usually has to take antibiotics to prevent them from occurring. The fornix rupture extremely restricts the patient’s everyday life, as the pain in the kidney is almost unbearable. Prompt treatment is necessary.

When should you go to the doctor?

A doctor’s visit is necessary as soon as pain and discomfort are felt while moving. If these occur suddenly and are not due to overexertion, they should be examined and treated by a doctor. Before taking any pain reliever medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor. There is a threat of further impairments that should be avoided. If there are problems with normal movements or in the resting position, this is considered unusual.

A doctor’s visit is necessary to determine the cause and initiate treatment. In the event of a poor posture of the body or persistent one-sided stress, a doctor’s visit is necessary. Without a correction there is a risk of permanent damage to the skeletal system. If muscle discomfort, twitching or trembling of the limbs occurs, a doctor must be consulted. If you have a fever, dysfunction of the kidneys or complications in the abdomen, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Abnormal urination or decreased fluid intake are worrying and need to be clarified. An inner restlessness, a general malaise or a general weakness should be discussed with a doctor as soon as they persist unabated over a long period of time. If the usual level of performance drops, behavioral problems arise or everyday life can no longer be managed without symptoms, it is necessary to establish contact with a doctor.

Treatment & Therapy

A fornix rupture can be treated with different approaches and options. The methods of treatment depend, among other things, on the underlying causes that led to the fornix rupture. An obstruction in the outflow of urine often causes a sharp increase in pressure in the renal pelvis, for example if there are urinary stones.

In such cases it is necessary that a splint is placed in the ureter so that the urine can drain out. In addition, prophylaxis of infectious diseases is required. In most cases, antibiotic agents are used for this purpose. In this way, certain complications and secondary difficulties are to some extent preventable. In the treatment of fornix rupture, it is essential to build up and maintain a healthy pressure system in the kidneys.

Outlook & forecast

People who experience a ruptured fornix are in most cases already undergoing medical treatment for another condition. It is therefore not possible to make a generally valid statement about the prognosis. Since the fornix rupture is an acute emergency, life-threatening conditions develop if the fastest possible care and intensive medical care are not provided.

In addition to inflammation, severe pain or kidney damage, sepsis can occur. A full recovery is normally not possible despite all efforts. The symptoms are alleviated, but lifelong consequences can be expected. The rupture can be treated well, but mobility or lifestyle restrictions remain. Often there are changes in the digestive tract as well as a change in everyday habits and food intake.

In the event of an emergency, an operation is carried out in order to achieve rapid relief from the symptoms. Every surgical procedure is associated with risks and possible complications. If the operation is successful, the doctors will address the causal disease immediately afterwards. An improvement in health occurs after a few weeks, when the wound has healed and the treatment of the underlying disease is successful. The kidney pelvis must be relieved so that the increase in pressure in this area decreases. The rupture of the fornix results in a reduced physical resilience.


In some cases it is possible to prevent fornix rupture by paying special attention to the fact that the risk factors are monitored by the doctor in vulnerable patients. For example, close-knit controls are necessary in the case of elimination programs.


In the case of a fornix rupture, the affected person is usually first dependent on the correct and complete treatment of the disease. Special follow-up measures are usually not available to the patient and most of them are not necessary. The earlier the disease is recognized, the better the further course will usually be.

The fornix rupture cannot heal itself, so treatment by a doctor is essential. The treatment itself is usually carried out with the help of medication, but depends very much on the underlying disease of the fornix rupture. Often those affected are dependent on taking antibiotics to completely relieve the symptoms.

When taking them, make sure that they are not allowed to be taken together with alcohol, otherwise their effect will be weakened. They should be taken for as long as prescribed by the doctor, even after the symptoms have subsided. It is not uncommon for the fornix rupture to be cared for and supported by friends and acquaintances that have a positive effect on the course of the disease. The life expectancy of the patient remains mostly unchanged from this disease.

You can do that yourself

In the event of a rupture of the fornix, those affected can take some measures themselves to promote the healing process and avoid complications. First and foremost, a visit to the doctor is important, because even if the rupture heals itself in some cases, drug therapy must always be given. The early use of antibiotics prevents infections in the urethra and thus also secondary difficulties.

At the same time, the causes of the rupture must be determined and remedied. If the symptoms are caused by a urinary stone, for example, a change in diet is indicated. Exercise, especially jogging or jumping rope, can help drain the foreign body naturally.

In some cases, however, operational action must be taken. After an operation, the diet prescribed by the doctor should be adhered to, as the affected area in the urethra is usually still sensitive.

It is also advisable to have regular check-ups. Patients with pre-existing kidney disease should speak to their doctor about changing their medication. In addition, preventive measures should be taken to avoid recurrence of urinary stones and subsequent rupture of the fornix.

Fornix Rupture